VIVA Mall is the Best online marketplace

We Offer Solutions to
Develop Better Strategies

VIVA Mall is the first online marketplace in Arabic and English and one of the projects of Saudi Post, giving VIVA Mall an advantage. VIVA Mall users come from different countries and professions and ages and different cultures.


VIVA Mall seeks to start Arab e-business revelation continuously by providing VIVA Mall to stores and individual buyers who wish to sell or buy certain goods.

VIVA Mall equipped with means and tools designed specifically for VIVA Mall to deal with shipping and payment issues simply, allowing and increasing the chances of closing deals successfully with the best and most successful means.

The power of VIVA Mall Comes not only from the current experiences, but also from the experience we have gained from establishing our first online marketplace VIVA Mall, which was constructed by Saudi Post.

  • Our Goals
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Process Development
  • VIVA Mall

Our Goals

VIVA Mall aims to provide its customers with products of high quality and reliability, based on the principle of communication which we approach, we offer you via this site, our services, such as:
  • VIVA Mall offers you all your needs and provides them to you from clothes' agencies, electrical appliances and others.
  • Points substitution mechanics depends on the action
  • VIVA Mall Prizes and awards
  • Substitution Way ign in, and from the My Account menu,
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Customer Satisfaction

Duis aute irure dolor reprehenderit in voluptate velit essl cillum dolore eud fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint ocaec atus cupdatat proident suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mol anim.
  • Acepteur sintas haecate sed ipsums cupidates bondus
  • Proident sunlt culpa qui tempore officia sed ipsum tempor
  • Cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
  • Mollit anim id est laborum ged ut perspiciatis unde
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Process Development

Duis aute irure dolor reprehenderit in voluptate velit essl cillum dolore eud fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint ocaec atus cupdatat proident suntin culpa qui officia deserunt mol anim.
  • Acepteur sintas haecate sed ipsums cupidates bondus
  • Proident sunlt culpa qui tempore officia sed ipsum tempor
  • Cupidatat non proident sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
  • Mollit anim id est laborum ged ut perspiciatis unde
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Dear customer you are welcome in VIVA Mall
  • Points substitution mechanics
  • Points substitution mechanics depends on the action
  • VIVA Mall Prizes and awards
  • Substitution Way ign in, and from the My Account menu,
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